I'm very pleased to announce the publication of Volume 1, issue 2 of Transnational Criminal Law Review, a fully peer-reviewed open access journal of which I am co-editor. We have a great lineup of material this issue:
- Roger Clark, "The Concept of International Criminal Law and Its Relationship With Transnational Criminal Law and Conflict of Laws"
- Robert J. Currie, "Admissibility of Hearsay Gathered Under MLAT: A Tempest in Canada" [given my editorial role in the journal it is important to note that editing of this article was handled by my colleague Neil Boister and it was subject to double-blind external peer review, as all of our articles are]
- Mohamed Elewa Badar & Noelle Higgins, "The Challenges of Addressing Transnational Maritime Organized Crimes: A Review of Current Law and Practice in Djibouti"
- Richard Burchill, "Counter-Terrorism Update"
- Chat Nguyen, "Regional Report: Southeast Asia/China/Pacific"
- Michael Nesbitt, "Book Review: The Practice and Problems of Transnational Counter-Terrorism by Flona De Londras"
I would also call your attention to our current Call For Papers, Volume 2 Issue 2