UPDATE: you can read our first issue, here:
I am very pleased to be one of the founding co-editors of a brand-new, open-access and fully-peer reviewed journal, the Transnational Criminal Law Review. Please see our launch announcement, below!
The Founding Board of Editors are pleased to announce the launch of the Transnational Criminal Law Review (TCLR). The TCLR is an open access journal, available free to all here, that welcomes submissions that deal with all aspects of legal responses to transnational crime. The journal seeks to promote scholarship in this relatively under-studied field of law, and to serve as a forum that can bring together academic research as well as those interested in the study of legal responses to transnational crime. Submissions may cover procedural as well as substantive aspects of transnational criminal law, which spans a wide range of areas such as transnational organized crime, terrorism, cybercrime, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption, and migrant smuggling (for further details see About the Journal). The TCLR welcomes submissions that are written from legal doctrinal, theoretical, critical, and interdisciplinary perspectives.
The TCLR will be published twice yearly, and will target an audience of legal scholars, criminologists, and social scientists, as well as legal practitioners, policymakers, and students. The journal will publish full length academic articles (subject to double-blind peer review) and shorter pieces such as case comments, book reviews, and reports on new developments in the field.
Behind the scenes, the TCLR is the work of a founding board of editors, comprised of Neil Boister (University of Canterbury), Robert Currie (Dalhousie University), Masha Fedorova (Radboud University), Sabine Gless (Basel University), Cecily Rose (Leiden University), and Sara Wharton (University of Windsor). The board is supported by a number of regional rapporteurs, who will help to keep readers up-to-date on legal developments around the globe.
Interested in submitting to or receiving updates about the journal? Please register here in order to receive occasional announcements with information about the latest issue or to begin the submission process.
The journal currently welcomes submissions on all aspects of transnational criminal law for Volume 1, Issue 2. For more information on submitting to the TCLR, see here.