I am delighted to provide readers with two updates about "the book" for which this blog was originally intended as a supplement. First, the second edition of International & Transnational Criminal Law has been published by Irwin Law Inc., a link to which can be found here.
This new edition was co-authored with my good friend Joseph Rikhof, who is Senior Counsel and Manager of the Law at the War Crimes Program of Justice Canada. Joseph's encyclopaedic knowledge of all matters ICL made him the perfect candidate to take on the updates of those parts of the book, which he did with great ability and aplomb. This freed me up to concentrate on the TCL portions. We were also fortunate to have Gillian MacNeil return to update Chapter 11 on state immunity, which was done with her usual thoroughness and astute analysis. The new edition is bigger and better, and we hope it will continue to be a useful tool for those who use it.
On that note, I was very pleased that the first edition of the book was cited in a recent judgment by the British Columbia Court of Appeal. R. v. Tan was a murder case which involved, inter alia, a consideration of whether the Charter applied to extraterritorial evidence-gathering by the RCMP. I have not had a chance to digest it as yet, but I note that it was written by Justice Elizabeth Bennett, who is a noted criminal law jurist, so it is sure to be good. This was the second time the book was cited; the first was in the judgment of Cromwell J. in the 2010 decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Nemeth v. Canada (Justice). Always happy to be of help...